When building a dream team, are churches better off hiring several part-time leaders or fewer full-time leaders? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but we have some guidance for you when making this decision. Here are some pros and cons of part-time vs. full-time team members:
Pro - Full-time leaders wake up thinking about one thing - The ministry that they lead
Pro - Full-time leaders are experts in the area they lead - A high-quality professional team.
Pro - Full-time leaders are always available and focused on their priorities - They have one job.
Con - Full-time leaders cost more than part-time leaders.
Con - Full-time leaders may be more challenging to find - (But we can help you!)
Pro - Part-time leaders are less expensive than full-time leaders - More leaders for less money.
Pro - Part-time leaders are (often) easier to fund than full-time leaders - Your church is full of potential candidates.
Con - Part-time leaders are not as available for team meetings and off-sites - They have two jobs.
Con - Part-time leaders are often not as consistent in delivering productivity - Because they have divided attention.
Con - A great volunteer (who is free) may do the same thing when she is paid that she did when she volunteered for free.
Con - A great volunteer is not necessarily a great paid team member - It’s a different skill set.
When considering a full-time or part-time team member, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. But when you are making this decision, consider:
What can you afford as a church? Many churches can better afford part-time team members, and this is OK!
Are we convinced that a full-time team member is necessary for this role?
What is your context? In some contexts, you can find a worship leader who loves music and is thrilled to lead worship part-time.
And remember, we started Context Staffing to help you find the right leader. We specialize in finding leaders for churches. Our team spends hundreds of hours searching, recruiting, and vetting potential leaders for your church so that you can confidently build your dream team.
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