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Day 2: Without Character, Your Team Will Fail

Written by Brian Howard | Apr 19, 2022 7:00:00 AM

A team without character will sink a church.

Character refers to who a person truly is. Character is who a person is when no one is watching. Every time I add a person to my team, I carefully research and assess the person’s character.

Consider two aspects of character that are critical for building your dream team.

First, Character begins with being rightly related to Christ. This might seem to be a no-brainer, but we know both from the Bible and our experiences that people without character can infiltrate churches and cause great destruction. Before you add anyone to your team, ask the person to articulate his or her understanding of the gospel, what it means to be in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and how this impacts the person’s life. Do not take this step for granted! Ask the questions. Even if you already know the person!

The second aspect of character involves how a person lives once they are a Christian.

The New Testament talks a lot about the fruit of godly character. Character is not perfection, but is evidence that a person is a genuine follower of Jesus. Don’t hire any person without thoroughly vetting character! A church leader without character will bring ruin to a church.

How do we vet character?

Ask a lot of questions, don’t take anything for granted, have a character section on the job description, and check a person’s references going way back. And seriously, go way back. I have seen people hide when they have horrible character patterns from many years before that have never been exposed. Make sure to intentionally vet a person’s character even if you think you already know them. You won’t be sorry you did.


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