
Church Staffing

Build Your Dream Team

Day 18: Why You Should Not Hire When Your Potential Team Member is Hesitant


By: Brian Howard

If a potential team member shows hesitancy before you have extended an offer, then step back and don't hire yet.

If a potential team member shows hesitation after you have extended an offer, you should seriously consider rescinding the offer. A person should be most enthusiastic before taking a role, not hesitant. Adjusting to a new position, culture, and environment is hard enough, even when you are sure that you are doing the right thing. Hiring a person for a role that he is hesitant to take indicates danger ahead. Attempting to convince him to take the position could backfire later without exploring the actual reasons for his hesitancy. If a potential is expressing hesitancy, rescind the offer and move on.

Little is more critical for an organization than having the right people on the team. When in doubt, don't hire, especially when a potential candidate is hesitant.

And remember, we started Context Staffing to help you find the right leader. We specialize in finding leaders for churches. Our team spends hundreds of hours searching, recruiting, and vetting potential leaders for your church so that you can confidently build your dream team.

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